Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bohemian Rebirth Rhapsody

I wonder what they'd do
if Christ reappeared without a beard,
without robes and sandals too.
What if he came in a satin flame
and high-heeled shiny shoes?
What if he kissed men, dressed as a femme,
I wonder what they'd do.

I wonder what they'd do
if Christ showed up filling a C-cup
and had a uterus too!
Could Christ have sex or would that vex
the misogynistic crew?
What if she was a whore who was sold at four,
I wonder what they'd do.

I wonder what they'd do
if Christ came back all coloured black,
had tea with Muslims too;
walked with Buddha, talked to Khuda,
Pagans, B'Hai and Jew.
If every kind came walking behind
I wonder what they'd do.

I wonder what they'd do
if Christ ripped pages from Bible rages
and told them that wasn't true,
that those words were said by old men who fed
on the fear of anything new.
Would they stick to The Book, or give Christ a look,
I wonder what they'd do.

What would they do
if Christ was reborn far from the norm,
like a god painted another hue.
Christ might lift a pipe like eighteen million wiped
for the red, the white and the blue.

If Christ's rebirth needed a worthy earth,
what would the rabid pious do,
stuck here with me and you, under an ancient pulling moon,
dancing our Bohemian Rebirth Rhapsody's tune.

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